Director: Ludovic Gicquel
Screenwriter: Ludovic Gicquel
Casting : Émilie Lehuraux, Lubna Azabal, Pascal Elbé, Christophe Favre
Production Aenaria and xxxx
Coproduction with xxx, xxx, xxx,
With Canal +, Ciné +, France Télévisions
With Région Sud Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur
And Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge
Distribution : xxx
Foreign Sales : xxx
Cinema : Mars 2026
Timing : 1h 50 min
Synopsis: Julie has spent nearly thirteen years between foster families and Social Children’s Homes. Today, she joins “La Valéspine”, yet another Children’s Home to help her get by. But the young girl is eaten away by an adolescence full of voids, repeated breakups and a terrible secret: the death of her little brother for which her mother was found guilty. The Children’s Judge decides to try everything, to bring her closer to her father… In 12 months, she will be an adult. But bringing her closer to him may mean risking losing everything.