Hosting provider
63-65 boulevard Masséna Paris (75013) FRANCE
Tel +33 (0) 1
Fax +33. (0) 1 43 73 18 51
Mr Gicquel
21 Avenue Pasteur
Formulaire de contact
Privacy Policy
The data sent through the contact form is only used for keeping track of messages and communication between our company and prospects/clients. None of it is transferred to third parties.
Visits on the website are tracked by using the Jetpack plugin. Statistics
Data Used: IP address, user ID (if logged in), username (if logged in), user agent, visiting URL, referring URL, timestamp of event, browser language, country code. Important: The site owner does not have access to any of this information via this feature. For example, a site owner can see that a specific post has 285 views, but he/she cannot see which specific users/accounts viewed that post. Stats logs — containing visitor IP addresses and usernames (if available) — are retained by Automattic for 28 days and are used for the sole purpose of powering this feature.
Activity Tracked: Post and page views, outbound link clicks, referring URLs and search engine terms, and country. When this module is enabled, Jetpack also tracks performance on each page load that includes the Javascript file used for tracking stats. This is exclusively for aggregate performance tracking across Jetpack sites in order to make sure that our plugin and code is not causing performance issues. This includes the tracking of page load times and resource loading duration (image files, Javascript files, CSS files, etc.). The site owner has forced this feature to honor DNT settings of visitors.
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